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Custom Properties 4 for Joomla 4.x

* -> Security Fix
# -> Bug Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note


-------------------- 4.1.0 2023-07-18 ----------------
! first version compatible with PHP 8.2
! modified: backend, frontend, mod_cpsearch, content plugin, mod_cpnews_show, mod_cpsearch, mod_cpcloud
^ revised the code around "non-nullable" functions that now throw a fatal error when given a null argument
^ revised code using 'callable' type arguments (array_walk, etc)
-------------------- 4.0.2 2023-05-31 ----------------
# fixed bug when filtering by tag in backend
# modified router to better handle results summary links when coming from a CP menu item
# fixed backend filtering in 'Assign View'
-------------------- 4.0.1 2022-12-16 ----------------
! fixed JED ckecker complaints, modified component, mod_cpsearch, mod_cpnews_show
# fixed bug when reordering results on frontend (missing token)
-------------------- 4.0 2022-10-10 ----------------
! ** First release of Custom Properties compatible with Joomla 4 **!
!component, mod_cpnews_show, mod_cpsearch, mod_cpcloud, mod_cpmenu, contet cptags plugin, editor-xtd cptags plugin
^ complete rework of backend, frontend, modules e plugins
^ changed files structure and naming to conform to Joomla 4 conventions
- removed json2 js (it is now part of ecma script 5)
- removed Services_JSON php: JSON decod / encode is part of PHP
^ removed jQueryUI autocomplete; replaced with awesomplete which is part of Joomla
- removed date.js; we know use sthe standard JS Date functions
+ added parameter 'Target menu item' in component configuration
- removed 'Use itemid' parameter from component configuration
+ added download ID parameter