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Product Finder for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x

* -> Security Fix
# -> Bug Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note

-------------------- 1.4.3 2016-05-20 ---------------
! modified frontend, fixed installer
# fixed bug when selecting category ordering
# fixed bug with installer
-------------------- 1.4.2 2015-08-18 ---------------
! modified backend
# fixed notice warning in pfclasses that effected the assign rules page
# changed backend js to be compliant with validation of forms introduced in J 3.4.3
-------------------- 1.4.1 2014-05-05 ---------------
! modified backend, frontend
^ replaced the deprecated JRequest with Jinput
# fixed bug: unable to delete questionnaire logs
^ removed unused code
-------------------- 1.4 2014-02-18 ---------------
! modified backend, introducing "advanced" version
+ added ACL [advanced]
+ added K2 compatibility [advanced]
+ added Hikashop compatibility [advanced]
+ added Mailer [advanced]
+ added Logger [advanced]
^ modified css to fix some issues with bootstrap based templates
-------------------- 1.3 2014-01-30 ---------------
! modified backend
+ added Falang compatibility (content elements)
+ added utilities menu to a) install falang content elements, b) delete/refresh thumbnails
+ added category filter for questionnaires' results
# fixed error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in administrator/components/com_productfinder/helpers/helper.php on line 34 (when using PHP 5.2)
^ updated jQuery mobile to 1.4.0
^ updated jQuery to 1.10.2
^ updated install script to install Falang Content Elements when appropriate
-------------------- 1.2 2013-11-08 ---------------
!modified frontend
^ added compatibility with Joomla 3.2
# fixed bug with localized version of productfinded (next button not working under some circumstances)
-------------------- 1.1 2013-01-10 ------------------
!modified backed, modified fronted
+ added compatibility with Joomla 3.x
^ using jQueryMobile 1.3.2 + jQuery 1.8.3
-------------------- 1.0 2013-10-01 ------------------
!initial public release
-------------------- 0.7 2013-06-19 ------------------
!modified frontend
# fixed question ordering
-------------------- 0.7 2013-01-29 ------------------
! modified frontend
# mailing logger records wrong questionnaire id
-------------------- 0.6 2013-01-29 ------------------
! modified backend and frontend
# rules editor: items with same title with wrong internal ordering
# modified main query, a bug prevented items with 'NO' in any question (even not chosen ones) from being displayed
-------------------- 0.5 2013-01-29 ------------------
! modified backend and frontend
+ added no-results action
-------------------- 0.4 2013-01-25 ------------------
! modified backend
+ added logging
-------------------- 0.3 2013-01-09 ------------------
! note unrelease
^ revised rules table (modified index)
^ changed many things
-------------------- 0.2 2012-12-17 ------------------
! note unrelease
+ added mailer
-------------------- 0.1 2012-11-28 ------------------
! Initial release