CP Search results include unauthorized results

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11 Anni 2 Mesi fa - 11 Anni 2 Mesi fa #1643 da 3by400inc
CP Search results include unauthorized results è stato creato da 3by400inc
We are interested in purchasing Custom Properties 2.0 for a J2.5 site but I've found a bug in the CP Search module/results page on your demo.

I was testing your demo and noticed that if I set an article's access to "special", for instance, I can then return to the frontend as a public user and perform a search using the CP search module and the article with the "special" access level shows in the results.

See here - www.solidsystem.it/demo1720/en/food/8-appetizers.html

I've set the "Antipasto di carciofi" article to "special" access level and when I first view the Appetizer category as a public user at the link above I do not see "Antipasto di carciofi" listed. But, if I then use the CP Search module and filter for "not spicy" and search I see the "Antipasto di carciofi" article in the results.

Is there a solution for this because respecting access levels is a big concern for our project?

This occurs on CP 2 and CP 3.
Ultima Modifica 11 Anni 2 Mesi fa da 3by400inc. Motivo: update

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11 Anni 2 Mesi fa #1644 da 3by400inc
Risposta da 3by400inc al topic CP Search results include unauthorized results
I see that this is actually a feature now! I wasn't able to access the CP 3 demo component config, but I was able to access the CP 2 component config ... so I see that there is an option to search within only authorized content or search all content. Purchasing CP now ...

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11 Anni 3 Settimane fa #1700 da 3by400inc
Risposta da 3by400inc al topic CP Search results include unauthorized results
I have installed Custom Properties on Joomla 2.5.18. I have "Search unauthorized articles:" set to "No" but when I test this it doesn't work.

I'm using a test user account that doesn't have access to some content categories. But if I click on a tag in an article the user does have access to, I'm shown all articles, including unauthorized ones, that have that tag.

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11 Anni 3 Settimane fa #1701 da andrea_4g
Risposta da andrea_4g al topic CP Search results include unauthorized results
Custom Properties checks article permissions. Category permissions are not taken into consideration at this time.

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11 Anni 3 Settimane fa #1702 da 3by400inc
Risposta da 3by400inc al topic CP Search results include unauthorized results
Its not the category links I'm having the issue with. The articles that are returned are articles the user does not have access to. If the user tries to click on one of the article results returned they get the "you are not authorized message".

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11 Anni 3 Settimane fa #1703 da andrea_4g
Risposta da andrea_4g al topic CP Search results include unauthorized results
To clarify: Custom Properties does not check the permissions of the category an article belongs to. It checks only the article own permissions.
E.g.: if the article is Public, Custom Properties shows it within the result list.

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