Category Ordering Does Not Seem to be Working

  • lclark
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12 Anni 11 Mesi fa #303 da lclark
I need to order my result by the ordering that is set up in the Category Manager. However, when I set this the categories are still being displayed in alphabetical order. This feature does not seem to be working. Any suggestions or is there something else that I need to set?

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12 Anni 11 Mesi fa #308 da admin
I'm positive this option is working properly. I just doublechecked that on .
This is what I did:
Search by tag = 'Fair Price', category 'Food'
With Category ordering = Alphabetical I get results with the following order:
- Pink Wines, Red Wines , White Wines

With Category ordering = Ordering I have:
- Red Wines, White Wines, Pink Wines (just like the category manager order)

So, could the issue you are reporting being caused by some form of caching?

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