Wrong CSS in Joomla 3.3.0 when login

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10 Anni 9 Mesi fa - 10 Anni 9 Mesi fa #1841 da miguel
Wrong CSS in Joomla 3.3.0 when login è stato creato da miguel
Product finder works great while you dont login as Admin in J3.3

Tried in both Localhost/online and with different templates (Chrome/Firefox tried)

Attached images (OK-Fail)

Ultima Modifica 10 Anni 9 Mesi fa da miguel.

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10 Anni 9 Mesi fa - 10 Anni 9 Mesi fa #1842 da andrea_4g
Risposta da andrea_4g al topic Wrong CSS in Joomla 3.3.0 when login
We can't replicate the issue you are reporting.
Please see 2 screenshots (OK-OK) from a J3.3 + Product Finder (+ Gantry)
No Login:

After Admin login:

My guess is that there's some plugin/module/component (some kind of advanced management tool?) that's enabled on the frontend only after the admin has logged in, that possibly interferes with JQueryMobile used by product finder.
Ultima Modifica 10 Anni 9 Mesi fa da andrea_4g.
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10 Anni 9 Mesi fa - 10 Anni 9 Mesi fa #1843 da miguel
Risposta da miguel al topic Wrong CSS in Joomla 3.3.0 when login
Thank you Andrea, I will check further what can be, because with a normal user login the issue disappears
Ultima Modifica 10 Anni 9 Mesi fa da miguel.

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